杰斐逊兵营国家公墓保存着十大最大的网络彩票平台斯在《十大彩票网赌平台》中扮演的迷人角色.S. 军事历史.



在整个地区的历史名胜和军事遗址, 您可以体验设置, 人物和故事详细描述了十大最大的网络彩票平台斯在《十大彩票网赌平台》中扮演的迷人角色.S. history. Discover fresh, seldom-reported information that brings the past to the forefront.


1767年由法国探险家建立,并被圣. 1870年的路易斯市, Carondelet曾经是西班牙语的大熔炉, Italian, 爱尔兰和匈牙利移民. Its history contains interesting tidbits; for instance, the ironclads used by the Union Army to conquer the Mississippi River during the Civil War were built in Carondelet by James B. 伊兹还建造了著名的十大最大的网络彩票平台大桥,现在以他的名字命名. The world-renowned American civil engineer and inventor is buried at 贝勒方丹公墓和植物园, which also serves as the final resting place of 10 Medal of Honor recipients.


Stretching 470 acres, 还是丝毫不懂加略山的墓地 is the largest cemetery in Missouri. 这里有前奴隶德雷德·斯科特的坟墓, 内战将军威廉·特库姆塞·谢尔曼, American playwright Tennessee Williams and American author Kate Chopin. If you dissolved the border between 还是丝毫不懂加略山的墓地 and 贝勒方丹公墓和植物园, there are more generals who commanded armies during the American Civil War buried here than Arlington National Cemetery and West Point combined.

贝尔方丹堡 contains a grand staircase and reflects St. 路易的军事历史.

成立于1805年, 贝尔方丹堡 served as a stopover for expeditions heading west to explore the newly acquired Louisiana Territory. 在返回圣. Louis in 1806, the Lewis and Clark Expedition also spent its last night at the fort. 直到1826年被杰斐逊军营取代, 贝尔方丹堡 was an important gathering place for officers and enlisted men; Native Americans; French, Spanish and American settlers; trappers and traders; and the local farmers and businesspeople who supplied the fort with necessities. 今天,堡垒已经不复存在,但你仍然可以参观这个地方. 沿着三英里路走 & 沿着密苏里河的克拉克解说步道, Belle Fontaine Spring and Coldwater Creek and through 50 acres of upland prairie and wetlands that reveal the beauty of the land and wildlife, 刘易斯和克拉克在旅途中观察到的.

杰斐逊兵营国家公墓 has a long 军事历史.

选择它的战略地理位置, 杰斐逊兵营于1826年开业, 成为美国第一个永久驻军.S. 密西西比河以西的军事基地. 到19世纪40年代, 这是该国最大的军事机构, 以及内战期间, 它是联邦军队的训练基地. 占地310多英亩, 杰斐逊兵营国家公墓 was officially established on the site in 1866. The cemetery, which overlooks the Mighty Mississippi, contains burials from all major U.S. 从独立战争开始的冲突.

The 密苏里内战博物馆 has an exhibition about the 1860 election.

利用成千上万的工件, 包括文件和武器, the 密苏里内战博物馆 does a commendable job of explaining Missouri’s complicated role in the American Civil War. 位于杰弗逊兵营公园内, the nonprofit educational organization boasts one of the largest Civil War research libraries in the country.

The 门拱博物馆 features six interactive galleries.

拱门是一个值得一看的景点. While we highly recommend taking the tram ride to the top of the 630-foot monument, we also urge you to explore the wealth of stories that lie below it. 门拱博物馆提供免费门票, 创新和易接近的体验, 展示了200多年的十大最大的网络彩票平台历史. 如果你对军事史特别感兴趣的话, 参观名为“天定命运”的互动画廊. 在19世纪中期,许多美国人认为,美国是一个国家.S. 有上帝赋予的扩张的权利. 通过战争或条约,美国.S. 决定向西迁移. After the U.S. annexed Texas, it continued to dispute the border with Mexico, provoking the Mexican-American War. 在这里十大最大的网络彩票平台更多关于战争的不同观点.

美国最重要的历史遗迹之一.S.位于市中心的旧法院大楼. Louis is where the notable Dred and Harriet Scott cases were first heard in 1847.

美国最重要的历史遗迹之一.S.位于市中心的旧法院大楼. Louis is where the notable Dred and Harriet Scott cases were first heard in 1847. The U.S. 最高法院在1857年的一项裁决中声称.S. Constitution did not extend American citizenship to people of black African descent, and thus, they could not enjoy the rights and privileges that the Constitution conferred upon American citizens, including protection from the federal government or the courts. The opinion also stated that Congress had no authority to ban slavery from a federal territory. The landmark decision destroyed the delicate agreement between free and slave states, 北方反奴隶制的情绪日益高涨, 制造民族愤怒,助长派系冲突, which eventually led to the outbreak of the Civil War in 1861.

旧法院大楼暂时关闭,罚款27美元.耗资500万美元的翻新工程由St. 总部位于路易斯的塔尔顿公司, which will focus on increasing accessibility for all visitors, 结构改进和新展览. The reopening will include an exhibition called Dred Scott: A Legacy of Courage.

军人纪念军事博物馆 honors local military service members, 退伍军人及其家属.

位于市中心St. Louis, this state-of-the-art museum honors local military service members, 退伍军人及其家属. The Missouri Historical Society assumed operations of the museum in November 2015 and began a $30 million revitalization of the site in 2016. 由于翻新, 该网站现在的展览空间增加了一倍多, the four iconic Walker Hancock sculptures framing the entrance are free of coal dust and embedded dirt, the building is LEED-certified to the Gold level and it meets ADA compliance for the first time in the building’s history.

在尤利西斯S. 格兰特国家历史遗址, 你可以在导游的带领下游览怀特黑文.

Known as the victorious Civil War general who saved the Union and the 18th President of the United States, Ulysses S. Grant married Julia Dent in 1848 and lived at her family home, White Haven, from 1854 to 1859. 在尤利西斯S. 格兰特国家历史遗址, 你可以在导游的带领下游览怀特黑文, which was run by an enslaved African American workforce before the Civil War. The park museum – which is housed in a historic horse stable designed by Grant – features six permanent exhibits that dig deeper into the rich and varied history and culture of the Ulysses S. 格兰特国家历史遗址. 十大彩票网赌平台还建议大家看一下22分钟的迎新影片, which provides more insights into Grant’s military service and two terms as president.